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The Institute of International Relations

      Valeriy Volodymyrovych Kopiyka, Head of the Institute of International Relations, Professor, Doctor of Political Studies

      The Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv was founded in October 1944as the Faculty of International Relations. On 4 May1988 it was reorganized into the Institute of International Relations and International Law, which in December1990 was renamed as the Institute of International Relations. The Declaration of the independence of Ukraine opened a whole new page in the Institute’s history. The Decree oft he President of Ukraine issued on 30 May 1995 nominated the Institute as the major training centre for future professionals in the domain of international relations and foreign policy of our country.
Today the Institute of International Relations is a modern educational and research centre with extensive organisation and flexible system of educational process. 12 departments of the Institute (including the Institute-wide Department of Foreign Languages​​) offer six degree courses.
      More than 2,500 students, postgraduate students and trainees study here; almost 250 of them are international students who come from more than 50 countries. Around 500 people are working towards their second degree.
Over the years over 15,000professionals have studied at the Institute, among whom are both citizens of Ukraine and representatives of more than 90 other countries.
      Education at the Institute is provided by a highly qualified teaching staff of about 200.Among them there are 41 Professors and Doctors, Associate Professors and 80 members of staff with higher postgraduate degrees. A scientific research centre, which includes more than 20 academics, is part of the Institute.
      The Institute of International Relationshas12 departments:
 International Relations and Foreign Policy;
 International Organisations and Diplomatic Service;
 Country Studies;
 International Law;
 Private International Law;
 Comparative and European Law;
 World Economy and International Economic Relations;
 International Finance;
 International Business;
 International Information;
 International Media Communications and Communicative Technologies;
 Foreign Languages​​.
      Every year the Institute holds up to 30 international conferences, publishes up to 40 monographs, textbooks and manuals, and more than 500 academic articles and workbooks on the issues of world politics and diplomacy, international economic relations, law, business and information.
      The international ties of the Institute develop within the framework of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, as well as through bilateral collaboration agreements between the Institute and leading foreign universities and academic institutions. The Institute works with over 60 universities of Belgium, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Iran, Japan, Republic of Korea, Morocco, Poland, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom, USA, etc., and actively participates in international programmes such as Tacis, Tempus, Erasmus-Mundus, projects under UN and NATO auspices, etc.
      The Institute is proud of its graduates, among whom are Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine V. Kravets, V. Martynenko, G. Udovenko, B. Tarasyuk, V. Ogryzko, P. Poroshenko, L. Kozhara, Minister of Economy of Ukraine S. Teryokhin, Minister of Foreign Economic Ties of Ukraine S. Osyka, Minister of Justice of Ukraine S. Holovatyi, Minister of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine S.Kurykin; many extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassadors of Ukraine in foreign countries, heads of permanent missions of Ukraine at the UN and other international organisations.
      In addition, among IIR graduates there are many citizens of foreign countries, including prominent political leaders, influential politicians, diplomats, heads of large enterprises and institutions, well-known scientists. These include the President of Georgia, M. Saakashvili, President of the National Assembly (Senate) of Nigeria Adolphus Ndunev'yu Vabara, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly of Vietnam Nguyen Van  Yeu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan,  E. Mammadyarov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, G. Bezhuashvili and others.
      The languages of study for foreign citizens at the University are Ukrainian, Russian and English.



WEB-site of the Instituteof International Relations:

 The Faculty of Preparatory Studies:
03022, Ukraine, Kyiv, VasylkivskaStr., 36, office 94
(Building of theInstitute of PostgraduateEducation, Metro Vasylkivska)
tel.: +38 (044) 521-33-01
fax: +38 (044) 521-35-50

The Faculty of Foreign Citizens:
03022, Ukraine, Kyiv, VasylkivskaStr., 36, office71
(Building of theInstitute of PostgraduateEducation, Metro Vasylkivska)
tel.: +38 (044) 521-65-68
fax: +38 (044) 521-35-50


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